Slim Line Bill Tube
This is a nice copy because it is made of the original brass. It was made by a Hungarian craftsman. Working perfectly.
Bill Tube, here is the basic effect, and working.
A Bill or currency note is borrowed, and the owner asked to make a note of the number, and sign it, if he so desires.
The Bill is folded, and given to the owner to hold, wrapped in a Handkerchief.
The performer now produces from his pocket a solid Brass Tube. The tube is also handed over to another spectator, or placed prominently on display.
The performer walks up to the spectator holding the Bill, and whips away the Handkerchief. The Bill has vanished.
The spectator holding the tube is asked to open the tube. The spectator finds a Bill within the tube. He is asked to pull it out, and hand it over directly to the spectator who loaned you the Bill. He finds it is the same Bill and can confirm this by his signature, and the serial numbers.
A careful examination of the Bill Tube will not reveal the ingenious working.