Visuelle Illusionen Card
This deck has 52 playing cards and three “jokers.” Each type of card has a different purpose as far as illusions. Kings = color reversal, Queens = shape distortion, Jacks = size distortion, 10’s = length distortion, 9’s = illusory figures, 8’s = figure ground illusions, 7’s = unstable figures, 6’s = distance estimation, 5’s = constancy, 4’s = visual attention, 3’s = mental set, 2’s = vision and words, Aces = other illusions, jokers = illusions of movements. The deck contains a pamphlet that explains each type of illusion effect for each type of card. The authors of these cards have written a book on the subject of illusions called “Can You Believe Your Eyes?” It contains examples of illlusions and visual oddities and is published by Gardner Press, N.Y.See also different: